
If you’ve once tried PayPal Payment service, you should know that PayPal provides several ways for users to pay and receive payment
Those are included in this article:

  1. How to pay via PayPal Payment Standard
  2. How to validate the payment result via PayPal IPN Message
  3. With PayPal Payment Standard, how to submit several items with their names, unit prices, and quantities.

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I spent a lot of time recently trying to build a bilingual blog.
Except for programming, I am also enamoured with languages, like English, Japanese. So I’ve been thinking of building a blog with multi-lingual support, making my article reached by more people, and also practicing languages.
After consulting Google master for endless time, here are some feasible way to achieve that:

  • Use i18n along with revising source code
  • 2. Build two sites, one for Chinese, and another for English
  • 3. Use one of Hexo's themes called 'Minos'
  • Read More


    This article is my learning log of saving images and resize it afterwards with Laravel and its package Internention

    Install package Intervention

    Please refer to the installing guide on its official GitHub

    composer require intervention/image

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