

This article is a learning record of Laravel, mainly about how to use Laravel blade. Here are some points:

  1. Create and reuse template
  2. Use yield and section
  3. Pass data to view
  4. What {{ }} does for us?

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Here is about this article:

  1. Send Email with Laravel Queue
  2. Use AWS SQS

So why do we need to use queue?
When we execute some jobs that require longer time, like sending Emails, or uploading photos or videos, let users to wait until the jobs are completed is just not so practical.
So when users request some time consuming jobs, we need to use queue to line them, and execute them on the background, and so the users could be released from current request immediately.

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This article is my learning log of saving images and resize it afterwards with Laravel and its package Internention

Install package Intervention

Please refer to the installing guide on its official GitHub

composer require intervention/image

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In this article, I'm going to share how to get user information from Facebook by submitting a token with PHP SDK, which is got by providing user a login page with JaveScript code.

Go to FB develop page, and sign up, and then go to console and add a new application

In the user information, copy App key and App secret

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Open Task Scheduling file

Open yourProjectName/app/Console/Kernel.php

Config your schedule

Here is a schedule example

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  1. Apply for AWS SES (simple email service)
  2. Create an user, and SES full accessible policy, along with the access key and secret key.
  3. Go to AWS console, click email address option on left side, and verify your email.

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Some detail when importing Chinese from CSV file into database via PHP script

Hello everyone. It’s Ray!
Today I am going to share more details of importing Chinese characters into database from CSV file via PHP script

Firstly, let’s start from PHP script

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Hello everyone. My name is Ray. I would like to share how to import data from CSV file into MySQL database via PHP script
Firstly, take a look on the screenshot of CSV file below:

Take a look on the PHP script below. Please put them in the same repository.

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