利用 PayPal 付款標準版 (PayPal Payment Standard) 以及 PayPal 即時付款通知 (PayPal IPN) 方式結帳付款


有嘗試串接過 PayPal 的人都知道, PayPal 提供了好幾種方式供使用者串接使用。

  1. 如何使用 PayPal 付款標準版 (PayPal Payment Standard) 來付款結帳。
  2. 如用使用 PayPal 即時付款通知 (PayPal IPN) 來驗證付款結果。
  3. 如何在 PayPal 付款標準版 (PayPal Payment Standard) 中,自定義多個商品以及每個商品的明細,包含名稱、單價、數量。




$toBeValidatedCondition = [
'order_id' => 'required|array',
$failMessage = Helpers::validation($toBeValidatedCondition, $request);
if ($failMessage)
return Helpers::result(false, $failMessage, 400);

if (!Helpers::checkIfIDExists($request, new Order(), 'order_id'))
return Helpers::result(false, 'The orders doesn\'t exist', 400);

if (!Helpers::checkIfBelongToTheUser($request, new Order(), 'order_id'))
return Helpers::result(false, 'The order doesn\'t belong to this user', 400);

$orders = Order::whereIn('id', $request->order_id)->get();

if (Order::checkIfOrderPaid($orders))
return Helpers::result(false, 'The order has already been paid', 400);

if (Order::checkIfOrderExpired($orders))
return Helpers::result(false, 'The order has expired', 400);

if ($recipient->user_id !== User::getUserID($request))
return Helpers::result(false, 'The recipient doesn\'t belong to the user', 400);



$toBeSavedInfo = [
'total_amount' => Order::getTotalAmountForPayments($orders),
'orders_name' => Order::getOrdersNameForPayments($orders),
'merchant_trade_no' => time() . Helpers::createAUniqueNumber(),
'merchant_trade_date' => date('Y/m/d H:i:s'),
'trade_desc' => 'BuyBuyGo',
'quantity' => 1,
'user_id' => User::getUserID($request),
'payment_service' => $thirdPartyPaymentService,
'expiry_time' => (new Carbon())->now()->addDay(1)->toDateTimeString(),
'orders' => $orders,
'mc_currency' => 'TWD',
'ClientBackURL' => $request->ClientBackURL



switch ($thirdPartyPaymentService->id)
case 1:
$error = (new AllPay)->make($toBeSavedInfo, $request, $recipient);
return Helpers::result(false, $error,400);

return (new AllPay())->send($toBeSavedInfo, $request);

case 2:
$error = (new PayPal)->make($toBeSavedInfo, $request, $recipient);
return Helpers::result(false, $error, 400);

$url = (new PayPal)->send($toBeSavedInfo, $request, $recipient);
return Helpers::result(true, $url, 200);


在使用者按下付款之後,一張臨時的金流訂單會被建立。此訂單只介於你與你與 PayPal 之間,使用者不會接觸到這張訂單。
因為會一次性的寫入兩張 table ,所以這邊會特別使用 Laravel 的 Transaction 來將資料處理,如果對 Laravel Transaction 有興趣的,可以參考我在另外一篇文章中,有一小段針對 Laravel Transaction 的解說

public function make(Array $toBeSavedInfo, Request $request, Recipient $recipient)
$PayPal = new self();

$PayPal->user_id = $toBeSavedInfo['user_id'];
$PayPal->payment_service_id = $toBeSavedInfo['payment_service']->id;
$PayPal->expiry_time = $toBeSavedInfo['expiry_time'];
$PayPal->merchant_trade_no = $toBeSavedInfo['merchant_trade_no'];
$PayPal->total_amount = $toBeSavedInfo['total_amount'];
$PayPal->trade_desc = $toBeSavedInfo['trade_desc'];
$PayPal->item_name = $toBeSavedInfo['orders_name'];
$PayPal->mc_currency = $toBeSavedInfo['mc_currency'];
$PayPal->recipient_id = $recipient->id;

foreach ($toBeSavedInfo['orders'] as $order)
$order_relations = new OrderRelations();
$order_relations->payment_service_id = $toBeSavedInfo['payment_service']->id;
$order_relations->payment_service_order_id = $PayPal->id;
$order_relations->order_id = $order->id;
} catch (Exception $e)

return 'something went wrong with DB';

建立提交付款申請的 URL

這邊會用到很多 PayPal 付款標準版 (PayPal Payment Standard) 的 變量 (variable),各種變量的使用可以參考這篇文章
另外,因為 Ray 在做這個案子時,前端的時間上比較吃緊,所以 Ray 將所以非必要的資料全部由後端這邊處理,前端只帶入先前已建立的使用者訂單,後端從資料庫內調出所有的資料並提供給 PayPal

public function send(Array $toBeSavedInfo, Request $request, Recipient $recipient)
// 如果你是使用測試環境的話,請選 true

$paypalUrl = $enableSandbox ? 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr' : 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';

$data = [];

// 設定PayPal 帳號, 請先到以下網址申請測試者帳號,商家跟一般用戶都要申請,這邊填入的是商家的帳號,所以買家付款後,金額會直接匯入這個帳號
// https://developer.paypal.com/developer/accounts/
// Set the PayPal account
$data['business'] = env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_MAIL');

// 此數值為前端帶入,使用者完成付款後,將可以經由此URL返回原本的服務中
// Set the PayPal return addresses, after the transaction is completed, the user could be back via this URL.
$data['return'] = $toBeSavedInfo['ClientBackURL'];

// 在付款過程中,使用者可以選擇取消,並且經由此URL回到我們的服務
// During the transaction process on PayPal's site, the user could cancel the transaction and go back via this URL.
$data['cancel_return'] = env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_CANCEL_URL');

// 在使用者完成交易之後, PayPal 會發一封 IPN 到我們在這邊指定的 listener ,然後我們可以依據此 IPN 來判定付款是否成功,然後做相對應的事
// After the transaction is completed, PayPal will send IPN message to this URL.
$data['notify_url'] = env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_NOFITY_URL');

// 這邊我們指定了每一樣商品的明細,包含單價,名稱,數量。 這邊要將這些明細顯示在 PayPal 的付款頁面上
// Set the details about the products being purchased, including the price for every individual
// and currency so that these aren't overridden by the form data.
$i = 1;
foreach ($toBeSavedInfo['orders'] as $order)
$data["item_name_$i"] = $order->item_name;
$data["item_number_$i"] = $order->quantity;
$data["amount_$i"] = $order->total_amount;

// 這邊指定了幣別,細節部分可以參考官網資料
// https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/currency_codes/
$data['currency_code'] = $toBeSavedInfo['mc_currency'];

// 這邊我們可以帶一個任何我們想要的值過去給 PayPal ,然後 PayPal 會再回傳 IPN 時一併帶回來,以本篇例子,我帶入的是我金流訂單的編號
// Add any custom fields for the query string.
$data['custom'] = $toBeSavedInfo['merchant_trade_no'];

// 這邊我指定了收件人,否則 PayPal 會顯示測試帳號上的假的收件人資料。 在這邊設定後,我們可以在 PayPal 上顯示任何我們想要的收件人資料
// Add recipient's information
$data['address_override'] = 1;
$data['country'] = $recipient->country_code;
$data['city'] = $recipient->city;
$data['address1'] = $recipient->others;
$data['zip'] = $recipient->postcode;
$data['first_name'] = $recipient->name;

// 這邊的設定允許了我們上傳多個商品到 PayPal 的購物車裡面,所以可以分成多個商品並且一次性結帳。
// This setting allow to add multiple items with IPN method
$data['upload'] = '1';
$data['cmd'] = "_cart";

// Add charset
$data['charset'] = 'utf-8';

// 產生 query string
// Build the query string from the data.
$queryString = http_build_query($data);

// 產生最終的要在 PayPal 建立付款請求的 URL,我們只需要將此URL回傳給前端,前端就可以直接利用這個 URL 將使用者導向付款頁面
// Build the URL to PayPal
$url = $paypalUrl . '?' . $queryString;

return $url;


  1. 使用者經由我們上面產出的 URL 到達 PayPal 付款頁面,這邊請先去申請測試帳號

  1. 到達付款頁面

  2. 這邊可以看到我們指定的商品明細,以及金額,選擇繼續

  3. 這邊可以看到我們指定的住址

  4. 交易成功,這邊可以看到全部的細節


使用者完成付款程序後, PayPal 會發一封 IPN 給我們,有關於 IPN 的規格可以參考官方文件

  1. 首先,我們先安裝 PayPal 的 官方 IPN CODE SAMPLES

    git clone https://github.com/paypal/ipn-code-samples
  2. 進到 php 的資料夾內

    cd ipn-code-samples/php
  3. 接下來,我們複製PaypalIPN.php到我們的專案內, Ray 是把它放到 App 底下。

  4. 接著,在把 ipn-code-samples 裡頭的 cert 整個資料夾也放到 App 底下,大概如下圖

  5. 再來,我們到composer.json檔案中,在autoload-dev底下的files加入PaypalIPN.php這個檔案,如果沒有files的可能要自己建一個

    "autoload-dev": {
    "psr-4": {
    "Tests\\": "tests/"
    "files": [
  6. 重新執行composer,在terminal的專案資料夾底下,執行

    composer install
  7. 萬事俱備,只欠東風! 接下來讓我們將example_usage_advanced.php的檔案裡頭的內容複製到你想要的地方,可以是你的Controller,也可以是你的某個class下面的一個function,如下:
    下面的 code 有點長,可以不必全看,除了我中文有特別解釋的地方之外,大概跟原本的sample一樣。

        public function listen(Request $request)
    // 因為官方sample是去接 $_POST,所以這邊直接將Laravel的輸入轉成 POST ,想要自己改的人也可以哦
    $_POST = $request->post();

    // 這個資訊代表是否該交易已付款
    $payment_status = $_POST['payment_status'];

    // 還記得我們之前帶過去的金流訂單號碼嗎?
    $merchant_trade_no = $_POST['custom'];

    // 很重要,等等會用到
    $txn_id = $_POST['txn_id'];

    $txn_type = $_POST['txn_type'];

    // 付款時間
    $payment_date = Carbon::parse($_POST['payment_date'])->setTimezone('UTC');

    // 總付款金額
    $mc_gross = $_POST['mc_gross'];

    // 幣別
    $mc_currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];

    $enable_sandbox = env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_ENABLESANDBOX');

    // 這邊表示收款人的email,如果IPN裡頭的收款人不在這個清單裡面的話,驗證將會失敗
    // Use this to specify all of the email addresses that you have attached to paypal:
    $my_email_addresses = array(env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_MAIL'));

    // Set this to true to send a confirmation email:
    $send_confirmation_email = env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_SEND_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL');
    $confirmation_email_address = "buybuybuygogo@gmail.com";
    $from_email_address = "test@gmail.com";

    // 選true的話,會自動記log
    // Set this to true to save a log file:
    $save_log_file = env('PAYPAL_SANDBOX_SAVE_LOG_FILE');
    $log_file_dir = storage_path() . "/app/payment_logs";

    // Here is some information on how to configure sendmail:
    // http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php#118210

    // 這邊就是主要驗證的function
    $ipn = new PaypalIPN();
    if ($enable_sandbox)
    $verified = $ipn->verifyIPN();

    $data_text = "";
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
    $data_text .= $key . " = " . $value . "\r\n";

    $test_text = "";
    if ($_POST["test_ipn"] == 1)
    $test_text = "Test ";

    // 上面提到的mail,就在這邊確認
    // Check the receiver email to see if it matches your list of paypal email addresses
    $receiver_email_found = false;
    foreach ($my_email_addresses as $a)
    if (strtolower($_POST["receiver_email"]) == strtolower($a))
    $receiver_email_found = true;

    list($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second, $timezone) = explode(":", date("Y:m:d:H:i:s:T"));
    $date = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
    $timestamp = $date . " " . $hour . ":" . $minute . ":" . $second . " " . $timezone;
    $dated_log_file_dir = $log_file_dir . "/" . $year . "/" . $month;

    $paypal_ipn_status = "VERIFICATION FAILED";
    if ($verified)

    // 進到下面的if之後,表示已經驗證成功了,我們可以在驗證成功之後做一些該做的事
    $paypal_ipn_status = "RECEIVER EMAIL MISMATCH";
    if ($receiver_email_found)
    $paypal_ipn_status = "Completed Successfully";

    $PayPal = (new PayPal())->where('merchant_trade_no', $merchant_trade_no)->first();

    // 這邊檢查了幾項,大概如下:
    // 1. 檢查txn_id,為了避免這筆交易之前就已經有處理過。所以資料庫裡面如果已經有這個txn_id,將不予理會
    // 2. 檢查mc_gross,總金額必須與我們金流訂單裡頭的金額相等
    // 3. 檢查幣別,幣別必須與我們金流訂單裡頭的幣別相同
    // 4. 檢查payment_status,該交易必需已經付款完成
    if ((!PayPal::checkIfTxnIdExists($txn_id)) && ($mc_gross == $PayPal->total_amount) && ($mc_currency == $PayPal->mc_currency) && ($payment_status == 'Completed'))
    // 將該txd_id新增到該金流訂單內,並更新該訂單數據,主要可被識別為已結單。
    $PayPal->update(['txn_id' => $txn_id, 'txn_type' => $txn_type, 'payment_date' => $payment_date, 'status' => 1, 'expiry_time' => null]);
    $recipient = $PayPal->recipient;

    $orderRelations = $PayPal->orderRelations->where('payment_service_id', 2);

    // 更新完金流訂單後,根據該金流訂單取得相對應的使用者訂單,並更新使用者訂單狀態。
    Order::updateStatus($orderRelations, $recipient);

    // 付款完成,寄mail通知使用者
    Helpers::mailWhenPaid($PayPal, $orderRelations);
    } elseif ($enable_sandbox)
    if ($_POST["test_ipn"] != 1)
    $paypal_ipn_status = "RECEIVED FROM LIVE WHILE SANDBOXED";
    } elseif ($_POST["test_ipn"] == 1)
    $paypal_ipn_status = "RECEIVED FROM SANDBOX WHILE LIVE";

    if ($save_log_file)
    // Create log file directory
    if (!is_dir($dated_log_file_dir))
    if (!file_exists($dated_log_file_dir))
    mkdir($dated_log_file_dir, 0777, true);
    if (!is_dir($dated_log_file_dir))
    $save_log_file = false;
    } else
    $save_log_file = false;
    // Restrict web access to files in the log file directory
    $htaccess_body = "RewriteEngine On" . "\r\n" . "RewriteRule .* - [L,R=404]";
    if ($save_log_file && (!is_file($log_file_dir . "/.htaccess") || file_get_contents($log_file_dir . "/.htaccess") !== $htaccess_body))
    if (!is_dir($log_file_dir . "/.htaccess"))
    file_put_contents($log_file_dir . "/.htaccess", $htaccess_body);
    if (!is_file($log_file_dir . "/.htaccess") || file_get_contents($log_file_dir . "/.htaccess") !== $htaccess_body)
    $save_log_file = false;
    } else
    $save_log_file = false;
    if ($save_log_file)
    // Save data to text file
    file_put_contents($dated_log_file_dir . "/" . $test_text . "paypal_ipn_" . $date . ".txt", "paypal_ipn_status = " . $paypal_ipn_status . "\r\n" . "paypal_ipn_date = " . $timestamp . "\r\n" . $data_text . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND);

    if ($send_confirmation_email)
    // Send confirmation email
    mail($confirmation_email_address, $test_text . "PayPal IPN : " . $paypal_ipn_status, "paypal_ipn_status = " . $paypal_ipn_status . "\r\n" . "paypal_ipn_date = " . $timestamp . "\r\n" . $data_text, "From: " . $from_email_address);

    // Reply with an empty 200 response to indicate to paypal the IPN was received correctly
    header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");



以上大概就是整個利用 PayPal 付款標準版 (Payment Standard) 來付款 ,然後經由 IPN 驗證的流程,

  1. 買家完成付款
  2. PayPal 發送 IPN Message 到 Listener
  3. Listener 回饋 HTTP 200 Response 到 PayPal
  4. Listener 將剛剛收到的 IPN Message 原封不動的回傳到 PayPal
  5. PayPal 驗證無誤後,回傳 Verified ,若驗證失敗,回傳 Invalid
PayPal REST API 串接金流好簡單 在 PayPal 的 IPN 方式中,提交多個商品


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